Shop » Returns Policy

Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. We will also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.). Any other reason, return shipping costs will be the sole responsibility of the customer.

Sometimes we may have to part ship your order. We do not always inform you that your goods will be part shipped, as typically we will send the remainder of your order shortly. We will not refund shipping costs if you are unhappy with an order because it has been part shipped. 

Shipping costs for returning goods are the responsibility of the customer.

Please contact our office on 01329 835500 to discuss your return.

All returning items must be sent to: Insight House, Waltham Business Park, Brickyard Road, Swanmore, Southampton. SO32 2SA

Packaging Returns for Collection

When returning items to us, it is vital that you read and follow the instructions below prior to the scheduled collection, as failure to package items correctly can invalidate any claim for damage that occurs in transit.

  • You must package your equipment inside its original packaging, ie. the cardboard box and any polystyrene inserts.
  • If you do not have the original packaging then please use a large ‘tough’ box and plenty of bubble wrap. If using bubble wrap to protect your equipment, you must not be able to see or touch the equipment through the bubble wrap as this is the minimum protection required to prevent damage in transit. We cannot guarantee damage will not occur, but the more bubble wrap you use, the better. If the equipment does not have this level of protection, any claim for damage may be invalid due to improper/insufficient packaging.
  • DO NOT ship your printer with paper or ribbon left inside. Please ship all media separately. Spindles, spacers and ribbon trays can be transported within the printer when empty. If paper is left within the printer, any damage caused to the internal mechanisms of the printer or its chassis are at your own cost. Please be aware that damage to the chassis often causes the printer to be written off and worthless and failing to remove paper in transit is at your own risk/cost.
  • You are not charged for shipping multiple boxes.
  • DO NOT include any cables with your printer, we are not to be held responsible for loss of any cables that are sent to us.

It is of utmost importance that your printer does not have any media left inside and is packaged correctly, we cannot stress this enough.

Arranging Returns for Collection

The cut-off time for requesting same-day collections is 10:00am. Any collection requested after this time will be arranged for the next working day. We cannot specify the time at which the collection will take place and it can be anytime from 8.30am-6pm Monday-Friday. If you miss your collection or the item is not collected as per the agreed schedule, you may be charged for another collection.

If you have any concerns about packaging your equipment for transit or collection, please contact our office on 01329 835500

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